Full moon. Kaw River.
Erin Schmidt
Full moon.
Kaw River.
2 canoes.
2 kayaks.
6 friends.
1 taxi friend.
New friend met at dock.
8pm departure.
High water.
River flowing.
Few sandbars.
Exploring inlets, feels like the Amazon.
Heron wading.
Sun sets.
Eagle watching from tree.
Purple martins dip for a drink from the river.
Dusk arrives.
Tie together to share food, drinks & laughs.
Boats float, carried by current.
Darkness arrives.
Mystery fowl, flapping, crosses our path.
Heron sounds, flying from an overhead tree.
Full moon rises.
Huge, orange at first, grows smaller, more silver.
Lone sand bar stop.
Bask in the glow.
Shadows cast behind us.
12:30 land at end point.
Load up vessels.
Amazing night in Kansas.
How do you celebrate the full moon?